Sunday, March 08, 2015

My focus has changed...

I took the week off from "dieting". I have no idea what the scales say...but will weigh in tomorrow morning. The thing is something has changed.

I had coffee with Martine this afternoon, I was explaining the foxy challenge starts on the 16th (a week tomorrow). I am getting back on track as of tomorrow. And between now and the end of the foxy challenge I want to get under 110 kilos...(I suspect thats about 15 kilos) but more important then that I want to get to the point of being fit enough of doing 2 group fitness classes (body pump and body balance) one after another....thats the aim. I know from experience...if I focus on the fitness the rest will click into action too. I am still very focused on being double digits by xmas time.

I feel a lot of emotional stuff I have put into perspective in recent weeks. There is nothing I have done in my past I regret....and I cannot control anyone elses actions....if anyone else did anything I didnt like...well that was their option to do...nothing i can do about those ... they are actions they had to live with....Im a good a good place in my life....with my focus, my become the healthiest and fittest lesbian I can be LOL....things are good and will only get better!


Derry said...

Thanks for your honesty and motivation in your blogs Kazz. Love following your journey as I know you will get where you want to be.

Unknown said...

Love this post! You will achieve your goals because of your commitment, determination and belief! I'm aiming for double digits by Christmas too ☺

Unknown said...

I know you can do this. Focus on the parts that make you feel the happiest and the most balanced. We both know what its like to lose and go back and its a hard road figuring out what is actually the best combination for "us". Good luck !! I know you can do this.