You Tube Channels I watch

The follow is a list of my preferred You Tube channels (I do follow more but some arent active or that great) and a brief and honest description of them (if it has a double astericks they are a favourite of mine) They are all in teh US unless I mentioned

Kara Corey Fit Life : ** Kara is a qualified nutritionist who works in a hospital by day as a nutritionist and also a bikini competitor (won her last competition). She is a absolute favourite channel of mine.

Christian Guzman : Christian owns his own gym and is a figure competitor and a definite entrepenuer. His videos have a professional look to them which I am not a huge fan off, but I still follow him as I do like him.

WW bride to be : ** This is someone who does weight watchers and is engaged to be married. I find her very easy to watch, has a good sense of humour.

Obese 2 Beast : ** Johns channel was the very first fitness channel I watched and lead me to many others. John lost 170 pounds by calorie counting. He now does body building and is in prep for a figure competition currently. He does a lot of informational videos discussing everything about love when to track.....thru to excess skin

Matty Fusaro : Matty lost weight in the past and is currently sponsered by alphalete (Chistian Guzmans company) he is currently trying to lean out so is in diet mode...he also lifts weights and does online coaching (as well as having his own coach)

Danny Gets Fit : ** Danny lost 120 pounds and is now looking at launching his own online coaching company. He is currently cutting so in diet mode and planning to compete next year.

Nick Bare : ** Nick is a body builder, who is in the army currently serving in Korea. He has set up his own supplement company called Bare Nutrition. He is getting out of the army in the next 12 months and then will be setting up a gym with his brother.

Brian Turner : ** Brian is great. He has been on you tube for a number of years. He does weight lifting and currently prepping for a physique competition. He has set up his own company called "Beyond the weak" where he sells apparallel (and Obese2beasts apparallel is sold on his website too) He also does online coaching and is a wealth of information. He coached Danny gets fit in the past. He has also suffered from acne and has a lot of videos on this topic as well. He is also Vegan.

Chas Weighs In : ** Chas is still in the middle of her weight loss journey. She counts calories and does weight lifting and yoga. Her videos are fairly short I really like her she is very relateable - she is definitely a fave.

Fat and Fun : ** Stephanie does weight watchers and eats high fat. I find her very relateable and really love her videos.

Weight Loss with Heather : I will admit Heathers voice drives me nuts LOL. She attends weight watchers meetings but currently is counting calories and following a keto diet.

Gracies Journey : Gracie is still trying to lose weight. In all honesty I find her a bit immature and she eats fairly low calories and a lot of cardio...but she has lost close to 100 pounds....I still do follow her but watching her videos drives me a bit nuts at times (and if you watch her do not follow her lead on what she does on the treadmill...too dangerous)

Chelsea Lifts : ** Chelsea is my online coach. She owns her own gym and is a qualified personal trainer and has done power lifting competitions. She also has a apparallel line on her website as well as a app for weight lifting. She lifts weights and has been trying to get into yoga lately.

Heidi Somers : I havent followed Heidi for a real long time. I like her personality, she is a sponsored athlete and does figure competing - she does do a few informational videos.

Jenns Weight Loss Journey : ** I LOVE Jenns channel. She is engaged so getting married and losing weight and working out and follows a plant based diet (mostly) She is so relateable. She also does a few recipe videos as well.

Happy Cashew : ** Bea is hilarious and fairly new to the you tube world. Just watch will be laughing before you know it.

Em Wilson Fit Fam : Em does weight watchers and vlogs very regularly. She is a mum to 2 kids. I enjoy her videos.

Brittany Lesser : ** Firstly let me say Brittany has the body type I want....not skinny...she has curves and looks fit and strong. She does online coaching and is currently prepping for a figure competition and is also a sponsored athlete. She does swear a bit but I really like her - she does a lot of informational video including workouts of hers.

Marissa Lace : ** Marissa has a huge following on you tube. She eats well but I wouldnt say her channel is fitness/weight loss specific.  She talks on lots of topics and has a really engaging personality

Jazmine Garcia : Jazmine does weight lifting etc and is also a sponsored athlete. She is okay but I only watch any of her videos if the title really catches my eye.

Brittany Fusaro : ** Brittany is Mattys wife (he is further up the list) her channel is new but I have seen her a lot on Mattys channel. I really like her. I believe she is planning to do her first figure competition

Lose It Like Lauren : ** Lauren is in the UK and lost 140 pounds and also had excess skin surgery and is now a personal trainer. I enjoy her videos.

The Skinny On Weight Loss : ** Okay if you follow weight watchers you need to follow these 2 girls! They are twin sisters and post one video a week where they tell you how they went on the scales, recap their weeks, show finds they found and talk about their goals for the week.

LankyProgress TV : LP is Brian Turners brother (he is up towards the start of the list) LP is someone who struggles to put on weight and is currently prepping for a figure competiton

Sarahs Day : ** I love Sarahs channel. She is a australian (only aussie i follow) she has PCOS and does carb cycling and has a rather holistic approach to her health.

Weight Watcher Girl : ** She is still attending weight watchers. She does videos with lots of foods she finds. Her videos are prolly too long really...I dont tend to watch the entire videos.

Back To Fit : ** Chris has lost weight numerous times with weight watchers and counting calories. He is currently counting calories and trying to lose again. He also has some injuries he is currently dealing with, again I find him really relateable.

Fat Meets Fire : ** Ben lost over 125 calories and is now into weight lifting. He is very comical with lots of informational videos.

Nikki Blackketter : Nikki is a bikini competitor and a online coach and a sponsored athlete. She has a great personality. You will at times see her pop up in Marrisa Laces videos as they are best friends.

Dave Does Weightloss : ** Dave is great. He is in the UK and still losing weight. Follow him. Just.Do.It.

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