Thursday, May 24, 2012


Ive made some decisions! I had already 99% made them then after a chat with Sarah in our PT session i have definitely decided on this slight change. So after last weeks disastrous run on saturday....i decided as we were running on wednesday this week not to exercise on tuesday....and it worked a treat...the run was great...i did good...and mentally i wasnt cursing and wondering wtf i was doing. So as we run normally tuesday and saturday i had thought that maybe working out monday and friday was not the wisest option. So i then spoke to Sarah tonite as i know she runs...and asked her whether she exercises the day before she runs and she basically said the same thing as me...she struggles mentally and physically if she works out the day before. So i wont be exercising mondays and fridays. So instead my exercise days will be tuesday, wednesday, thursday and saturday. Id like to find something to do regularly on sundays cos that would then give me 5 days...but for the moment 4 days is fine. When i had the dexa scan they said to burn a minimum of 1800 calories per week...which is doable working out 4 days per week. (ive burnt 1403 this week so far with just 2 days of exercise) So i did have my first PT session with Sarah tonite and all went well :) I told her i want to focus on traditional weight stuff at this stage and that fiona suggested she give me homework to support the running. So for homework i have a couple of ankle strengthening exercises, some skipping (on two feet and just on one foot) and she also went thru some foam rolling stuff to do after my runs :) So tonite wasnt anything major....did LAT pull down with close and wide grip, lunges with holding free weights and 85 kilos on the leg press ( i havent done traditional weight stuff for like since last i was doing only a couple of kilos of my body weight....but last year in fionas sessions i was doing in excess of 100 kilos but im sure improvements will happen over time :))

The running is really slowly becoming a focus...which is so bizarre when i think how many times i tried doing that bloomin C25K program. But have a plan and that committment with fiona makes it easier...theres no getting out of it...and yanno we are outside (i wouldnt run outside by myself - even now) and yanno we chit chat as we run which helps it seem like less torture lol but its definitely improved when i compare last nights 3km run to the first 2km run and im not meaning just cos i could do it...but how i feel not so self doubting and thinking its too long...and i was definitely breathing much easier last nite....we were going at a pace i could definitely handle....fiona said afterwards we prolly could have run to 4kms at that pace and shes right im quite sure we could its not so scary now thinking about doing 4kms...even tho when i think the point we need to get to is like quite a distance away lol but then...i never thought id get to 3km. I remember around christmas we were doing runs and they were like 1.75kms and OMG i thought i was dying LOL pure its nice to think im accomplishing this :)

Scales were down again this morning so all going good in that area too!

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