Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Good week :)

This week has been pretty good even tho i havent been to the gym all week! LOL. But i have worked out somewhat :)

I started fernwoods eating plan on monday and i have to say im really impressed with it! Its got a lot of variety...low and high calorie days...its nutritionally balanced and only 2 meals with carbs per day. My only concern is it MIGHT be a lil too low in calories. Monday morning i was 83.8 kilos...this morning i was 81.3 kilos. Cannot complain about that...I have MOSTLY followed it to the letter....only differences is apart from milk and yoghurt im not eating low fat anything cos i dont think its the answer...and things i really dont like im i dont like salmon so monday night i had a piece of snapper instead. I also dont like having slices of cheese in my house cos i will just eat it ive been buying the portioned cream cheese and feta cheese instead.

Today tho was a lil different! LOL Breakfast was good...1.5 weetbix plus milk.But we celebrated Harmony Day at each team picked a country (we were greece) some of us wore makeshift togas....see below pics...and we decorated our area and bought in FOOD. OMG greeks make great treat food! LOL. I seriously ate too much...the one thing i am glad about is normally i eat bad for one meal i keep it going for the rest of the day but i said when i walk out of work today thats it. When i got home went to the shops to get the food i need for tomorrow (didnt even venture down the confectionary aisle!) and came home...made tomorrows lunch and am about to eat my planned dinner :)

So yes the scales will be up in the morning but will mostly be fluid. The only annoying thing is its my initial weigh in for the foxy challenge tomorrow nite...anyway doesnt matter what weight i start at...but what weight i end up! And im POSITIVE ill be in the healthy weight range (under 77 kilos) by the end of the challenge ;)

Last night trained with right thigh gave me a bit of grief...and i noticed earlier tonite when sitting cross legged it feels very tight...hopefully its just been a lil over worked...if not ill mention it to nora on tuesday (am doing a hour with her next week)

Fiona and I have been starting to plan what we are doing in sydney...we are going to do this lil concerned about my fat ass fitting thru all the caves! But maybe doing this and (presuming) im successful it will help sink into me im not who i once was. We are also going to do this one night. Im really looking forward to the trip! Doing some very different stuff.....I head to Sydney 5 weeks tomorrow wooot!!!!

This weekend is going to be a big saturday night! When my dad passed away when i was 14 we lost contact with my dads of my cousins and aunties i saw a couple of years ago, well its this cousins 40th birthday this weekend and she is having a party....but as well as that one of my aunties and uncles i havent seen since i was 14 is coming! My sister wasnt going to be able to make it but messaged me this afternoon to say her and my niece Danielle are coming!!!So that should be a exciting nite. Saturday morning i will train with Fiona...then pump and balance. The party starts at 5pm so im guessing there is dinner provided of some going to stick to protein and salad and will treat myself to one slice of cake. After saturday tho ive really got no social plans till focus, focus, focus!!!

One more work day and then a 5 day weekend...bring on 5.30pm tomorrow night!!!

Heres two in my size 8 jumper....and me in my toga today :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After looking at your photo's Kazz you will be fine in those caves, you look wonderful and you will not have a problem. I hope you enjoy the Blue Mountains, it is such a beautiful place to visit and live. Bec