Friday, December 30, 2011

Well time to get serious. My birthday is over - i dont go out for NYE so theres no more festivities so back into everything tomorrow morning. Back to tracking.Ive gained AT LEAST 5 scared to get on the friggin scales lol but my LJ flashdance pants are tight...eek! And the jeans i bought just on saturday are too tight too :( But you know...what goes up must come down!

So as i mentioned i am training with fiona till the resolution we are training tomorrow morning. Tomorrow night i might even go check out the steps at the nth adelaide football club...should be quiet if i go around 6pm...presuming its not too hot. Sunday morning i am planning to start the year perfectly right by walking into the city...walking around the torrens and home figuring that will work out to be at least a 10km walk. Whilst i still havent got the all clear to do "any" week i am getting back into things at the gym. The gym is closed monday ....but the rest of the week will be :

tuesday : 7 flights of stairs + 2km run (treadmill) + weight exercises
wednesday : 7 flights of stairs + free style cycle class
thursday : step + body balance
friday : 7 flights of stairs + 2km run (treadmill) + weight exercises
saturday : train with fiona

Everytime i sit down to work out my exercise routine since i hurt my back frustrates me...previously i would just slot in the classes i could make and that i cos several i cannot do and also crunches are a no go now so i end up getting frustrated, i can only run and run up stairs a certain amount of time before i am going to go off the deep end :( This is where the fact that im not the type of person who goes into the gym uses cardio equipment then does their lil weight work out then goes home...really works against me...while i dont really "enjoy" working out...i do find the classes easier to get thru.

Anyway enuff get organised for some sleep so i have some chance of having some energy for tomorrows training


Tania said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kazz, hope you had a great day!

This heat is going to be very testing over the next few days, we have five days over 40C with Sunday being 43C. I am in Port Augusta.

Cant wait for the New Year to get started on my goals. I dont have a lot of weight to lose now,just need to tone up a bit and maintain my healthy lifestyle...

Hope you have a great walk into the city and that the weather is kind to you and so is your back :)

Happy New Year!

#fatfreefloozy said...

I fully read that you were at The Strand today and rushed there from the city, but alas! too late! Wanted to say hello for your birthday : )