Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Back into it....

I am so glad I got back on track yesterday and didnt delay it till January 1 :) Yesterday morning the scales said 86.3 kilos. Yesterday I ate 1425 cals and burnt 400 cals with a 6.77km walk. This morning the scales had dropped back to 84.1 kilos :) My goal is to be under 82 kilos on January 1...not sure how I will go with that LOL, considering friday is my birthday lol but Im going to be on track every other day and planning to do body combat on the morning of my birthday. This morning i met up with Fiona and we trained for a hour...lots more running...50 tricep dips...some back stretches and pushups...630 calories burnt :) More then happy with that. Must admit the running was super hard today. I mean its hard anytime for me lol but today even harder! lol Im loving training with Fiona outdoors ... nice being outdoors in the freshair....still torturous tho lol.

My back has been really good the last few days....I expect its due to not sitting at my desk for 8 hours a day. I have to work 2 days then another 3 days off so hopefully that will all help. Ive been thinking about goals after reading lots of forum posts for the 12WBT i think a big one is going to be to wear size medium lorna jane (of course!) flash dance pants so they fit me loose enough so i can work out in them. I currently wear size XL and work out in them. The size L fit me but not loose enough to work out in yet. I realised too when thinking about this that i thought the smallest size for my butt would be a size 12. Size 10 has never been a thought to me....its weird to think im in size 14 now...(altho only just)and the next step is a size 12! One of the trainers at the gym once told me...when you get to size 10-12 stop the scales...I doubt i will do that...but its crazy to think i am getting close to that. The other thing i have noticed....is i can feel my hip bones when lying down...i noticed today i can when im standing up wooo hooo!!!!

Tonight im cooking something a bit different....(one of the reasons i am doing 12WBT is to get more meal ideas!) so im going to cook up some barley, add some bacon and capsicum, mushrooms, spring onions etc...hopefully it will be yummii!


#fatfreefloozy said...

I love discovering all those new bones. I have pits near my colar bones and my nephew keeps asking to feel them! He finds it incredible that I have become so "boney" there!

RDub said...

:) I found my hip bones the other day too - my other half didn't find it anywhere near as exciting as I did, so I totally understand (was secretly devastated that a marching band wasn't on hand to mark the occasion)
Here's to those size 12's