Monday, December 13, 2010

I have really really neglected this journal lately. Today i had a dentist appointment...turns out i had a abcess and some nerve wonder my tooth was so freaking sore!

Tomorrow i am going to weigh in...i have been bouncing around 104.5 kilos to 105.8 kilos for the last couple of weeks. I am not too concerned...i havent been exercising as much...partly just due to being so over it all for the year lol and partly due to my achilles injury.

My aim is simply to weigh around the 105 kilos mark on january 1. Then to move really starting to think about what my focuses will be in 2011...what my goals will be and how I am planning to attack things...still thinking it all thru in my sure ill leave a long post when im ready (by december 31 at the latest! LOL) not much else going on...have a good day all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just viewed your video Kazz. What can I say but they need to show more women like you on magazines. You look amazing. Way good girl. Thanks for taking the courage and determination to keep on moving. Thasnk to 3FC, I found your blog.