Thursday, July 01, 2010

Well i am thinking 1500 calories is exactly where i currently need to be. The scales went down again and i think i am heading for a nice solid loss this week. And to give u all a clue as of this morning less then 17 kilos till im in double digits :) Cannot believe how close i am getting to that. Its nearly 4 years in the making (amazing to think in another month its 4 years since i weighed 170.9 kilos) and to be honest i dont think i ever thought i would get under 130 to be zooming towards 115 kilos is quite amazing. I think all the kilos from now on i lose is really going to be defining my body a lot more. I noticed this morning when lying stomach is lower then my rib cage...LOL ... who woulda ever thought it???

So today i have double PT ill try and do core and resistance but if my head cold bugs me too much ill get fiona to stretch me for the remainder of whatever time is left. Then i am off to the podiatrist...see what he has to say about everything. Then tonite i am gonna try and make a recipe out of michelle bridges book...lentil, leek and mushroom loaf and i will roast some cherry tomatos with feta cheese. The loaf makes 4 serves and is only 261 calories a hopefully its nice. This is the first recipe i have made out of this nutritionist raved about it and said she has made heaps out of it so we will see how i go.

Okies time to go get some food...enjoy all!


Gae (GaeChann) said...

Go you! Interested to read about your appetite dropping off as you eliminate caffine from your diet!

What do you drink instead? I like to sip on a green tea or some peppermint tea just so I don't feel like I'm missing out!

Have another great week - getting so close to double figures now!

Gae oxox

Martine (email: said...

Good one Kazz, hope the foot is on the improve, mine not doing so bad. Think about how you are going to celebrate 99.9 kgs. Obviously Tania, Tina and I are going to help you celebrate. All going well with me, in the groove. I might have a look out for that Michelle B book as well

Emily said...

That is wonderful news. I didn't realise your starting weight before - you are a true inspiration. :o)