Thursday, April 22, 2010

I started this journey back in 2006...i got the flu which had led to bronchitis and i ended off work for 7 weeks. It was a horrible time in my was the first time i really had to face my weight being a real issue...and i realised if i didnt change my ways i would prolly end up confined to my home if things didnt change...thats when this become a "life or death situation". So the past few days i have allergies playing up plus a day in bed and majority of the head cold symptoms are gone...just a slight runny throat is still a lil scrathy and im still coughing a lil...but apart from that i feel quite good. So its a stark reminder of how things have improved....

Tuesday when i went to the gym i jumped on the xtrainer....i struggled because of the headcold but i didnt notice my legs didnt seem to struggle as much to i really wanna focus on doing that for longer and increasing the level. The other thing i wanna do is focus on my interval training. Last time i ran i managed to do it at 6 kmph...i wanna get that improved to at least 8kmph.

So i will be back at the gym on saturday...ill prolly say to fiona just core and weights work on saturday...but hopefully by monday i will be ready to get stuck back into the cardio work.

Im really thinking i also need to set myself a attend 4 classes in may...since body pump is the one i am most confident with maybe i just need to force myself to do that class and with time it will stop being such a big drama...and then i can start to expand. Looking at the timetable since i have next week off...i could do body pump thursday and saturday (fiona is in sydney for 5 days from thursday so i have no PT maybe its the perfect time to try?)

ok off i go!

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