Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Went to the gym today and they measured me...I joined the gym 12/8/08 and they did measurements then so its just been over a year...anyway in that year i lost 49 centimetres from my waist, 15 centimetres from my boobs, 7 centimetres from each arm, all my other parts lost between 7 and 11 centimetres. Amazingggggggggggg pretty impressive stuff huh? And since May where ive stayed around 130 kilos...ive lost 34 centimetres all over....one happy girl


266 said...

Yowza!!! Great numbers, lady! Congrats!

LellyJ said...

That's fantastic Kaz! Well done you!
Just shows that the scales are only half the story. Jeez--you've lost 1/2 a metre from you're waist. Amazing!

Landlady of Fat said...