Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday June 26

Well today is a better day. I went to the gym last nite, admittedly i considered not going, i also considered taking a break for a few week and also considered just chucking it all in, but in the end decided to go and see what happens. So me and fiona go in the small RPM room and we start talking she basically said she takes some blame for what has happened (altho i disagreed) basically at this point she has said her and eve simply want to help me to reach my goals and not worry about it all...when im on holidays they are planning to do one session with fiona and eve where a plan will be made on reaching my goals...which will be based on what i want and not what they want. But once thats done everyone will know what i am aiming for and their place within it. Then as we were talking i started getting really hot and next thing i was like i need to sit down lol i am all dizzy LOL so the stress all got to me lol Anyway fiona also said it could partly be a personality im quite laid back and so i think i get on with fiona good cos she is the same whereas eve is very in your face and bouncy and bubbly. Anyway fiona said eve will only be upset that she has confused and she said knowing eve as she does she will apologise and then things will move on. So i do feel better about things today. I think it is time tho for me to control things i had thought maybe ill take a few days off from the gym. But u know what? That wont get me to my goals...i need to do some reevaluating and stop worrying about everyone else...and that includes with the cardio equipment and the gym one in those gym classes deserves to be there anymore then the more i think of it tomorrow i will go do body pump. I also bought the EA active game yesterday. I love it what i have played of it so far (ran out of time this morning) The only thing where i may run into some trouble is your suppose to wear the leg strap at the top of your thigh but mine doesnt fit so i have been wearing it just above my knee. But i really enjoyed it...its good the whole exercise mixed in with some games. So i am sure i will play that a bit more this weekend.

Okies have a good weekend all =]


Oh and a further update...just got a email from eve (the dietician) am just gonna paste it here cos i am a lazy bitch lol

Hi Karyn,

How are you? I hope your week is going well. It's Friday so you know what that means . .
. it's almost the weekend!! YAY!! I had a chat with Coralie yesterday and we spoke about
some feedback you had and I just wanted to say thanks, I really appreciate knowing how
you're feeling and where you're at with everything. It's really important that
you feel comfortable and that we are helping you in the best way possible.

I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday for I have allocated half an hour if that's
going to work for you; I have 6 - 6.30pm free? I thought it might be a good chance for us to
chat and start again fresh. How would you feel about that?

I hope you enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday,

So yep feeling better

1 comment:

Kathiej said...

Hey Kaz

Glad you aren't giving in on the gym.
The letter from eve sounded quite positive....Go there with a clean slate...all will be good