Thursday, February 26, 2009

Well 7am and am at work. Still feel kinda blah today, tired and a lil weak but im made of strong stuff. I do have a PT session tonite and i will be going to i havent let whatevers going on stop me over the last 6 weeks or so, so not about to start now.

I realised a couple of things yesterday arvo, one, normally when I go to the docs and they take my blood pressure they put the cuff on and normally it pops off all the time and half the time they give up before its done. When i went to hospital last november they gave up and the nurse said...i have big muscley arms too (her way ive saying i have fat arms) anyway he popped it on yesterday did it...told me my blood pressure was 125 over 90 ... wow so nice and easy ! Then when I went to have the blood normally they cant find a vein and they smack my arms to death going from one arm to another...anyway she tapped it and was like ok we use this vein. Then when she put it in i barely felt it n i thought well she has to push it in yet but she was like...ok were in...omg...being slimmer even makes blood tests easier !

The scales seemed to be a lil lower today which is a good thing ! YAY...gawd its friday tomorrow...already half way thru this weigh in week. This weekend I am planning to rest a lot and not do too much. Saturday morning i am going to do a RPM class (yes tania perv time ! lol with hawt gabby) and sunday afternoon depending how i feel i mite go to the wheaty for a few drinks in the afternoon...apart from that some housework...and i am going to take the opportunity to have some early nites and sleepins.

Nothing else of interest going on....have a good day all

1 comment:

Tania said...

Oh so it's perv time Saturday morning AND Sunday afternoon - I wonder how many calories that burns? lol