Monday, February 16, 2009

I so rawk today ! I am .5 under my 25 poins...i did my 30 minute PT session, 10 minutes of the biggest loser dvd and walked for 30 minutes ! OMG can we say back in the groove???? My only goal today was to come in under yay me...the extra exercise is a absolute bonus.

I have been listening to some of the music off jillians playlist...bands i had never heard of before but i have found some songs i love...her new playlist is out i think so this weekend i mite get it from itunes...

When I was at my PT session today it was trainer now realises when i am getting dizzy....we were doing a exercise and i was starting to feel giddy....and she said "is ur head alright?" n i told her yeh im feeling giddy....and she said it always seems to strike u when ive increased a weight...but we both watch them carefully and its not uncommon for me to sit down for a few minutes in my sessions altho i HATE doing that...i prefer to power thru the sessions and show her some girl power -rawr- but that doesnt happen too much hahahahha but she did say today when she increased one weight...that i underestimate what i can do...shes like im increasing it cos i know u can so handle it. ok dunno why i even did another post tonite hahhaa but there u go .... there it is ... maybe ill go to sleep n dream of hawt jillian and hawt gabby (what is it with me and these fitness women????? lol)

1 comment:

Tania said...

LOL ... maybe there's a fitness fanatic hiding inside of you!

Great going with the exercise too - it's an amazing feeling isn't it to be achieving so much. Well done.