Saturday, April 26, 2008

Do I have news????

hmmmmmmm do i have news? do i? huh huh??? lemme think and ponder this a moment .... oh wait i think i do have what the hell is it? Oh wait maybe its the fact i have a bit of a blinde date lined up for next weekend ! Well not really blind...ive seen her photo,,,shes seen mine...and so she asked me this morning if we can meet up...shes from the pink sofa and we have talked a lil for a few weeks..then last nite we talked for quite a while and discoverred we have a lot in common (we both like really bad music like the carpenters lol) so she then asked me if i would go out and meet her for a coffee and then when i said yes in the chat room goes "i got a date !" LOL was quite funny cos theres another chick in there from sydney still in her 20's whose been trying to chat me up and i kept telling her ... one your too young and two your too far away and she was there when this all happened...she said you must be good M cos kazz is a hard nut to crack lol. So i wont talk about it too much but i know if i wasnt back at the gym and eating healthy i just wouldnt have the confidence to do this. The bonus is she lives in the suburb next to me...and is 2 years all quite good.

So she initially wanted to meet for coffee tomorrow morning but that was a bit too soon for me friday i will get my hair roots done...get it all blow dried nice and my eye brows waxed and mite go buy a new top too and we will see what the weekend holds ;)

Weight wise...the scales went up and i was pissed and yesterday over ate a lil (just on bread) but i kinda think it is working so will just persevere and not weigh myself for a few weeks. Okies off to do some work !


Jaxx said...

Cool for you - amazing what being in zone can do us confidence wise, I to would never have gone out with K the first time 16 weeks ago. Can't wait to hear all about it :)

Anonymous said...

awesome news babe - isn't it funny when your eating is right everything else seems to just fall into place!