Sunday, October 09, 2011

Catch up.

I have had that dayam diet coke withdrawal headache since thursday. It finally seems to be starting to going away, it was still there when i woke this morning but in the last hour or so seems to barely be there YAY!!! never never going back to drinking that blasted stuff after this bloody headache lol.

Work has been busy its good being back in my routine, but the shifts ive been on the last week or so have been sucky ones. But i have the next 3 weekends off (yay) and hopefully i can start working on my gym routine....i really need to focus on this. Friday my sister and her family i arrived in adelaide so went to mums for dinner. And ill say what I always say,...too many temptations there! Luckily i go there once or twice then dont usually go for another 3 months or so. When i went there on friday nite it was lasagne, garden salad and oven fries fries for dinner followed by brownies (with icing) for after. I did have a couple of brownies...oops! And mum did serve a HUGE slice of lasagne....but i think i have been eating SO WELL lately it wont really impact. I have to go over there tomorrow night too....its a bbq and ive already checked there will be some chicken for me...but mum then told me she is making chocolate cake too lol....not sure if I will have a slice or not....maybe i will....i did say to ill be arriving a lil late...can yas eat the cake and have it hidden by the time i get there but mum was very non committal over this lol....but again ive knocked about 260 calories per day off my eating this week....if I do have a slice i dont think it will be the end of the world.

The scales have been moving really nicely this week....after 2 weeks of gains (no one to blame but myself!)....on tuesday morning i was 85.8 kilos....this morning i was 83.2 kilos....wooot!!! These changes certainly seem to be making a difference it will be interesting over the next few weeks to see if its just the diet coke thats making the difference or im sitting at a nice calorie range now. The interesting thing is ive settled into a nice routine over the last few days....breakfast has been a grapefruit squeezed into a glass of warm water plus 2 weetbix with milk and a tablespoon of chia seeds....morning snack is a banana with 31 grams of tahini (loving the tahini!)...lunch is a turkey, mayo and salad sandwich....afternoon snack is 12 raw cashews which i have dry roasted....and dinner is about 180-220 grams (raw weight) of meat with vegetables with 30 grams of feta cheese followed by a square of lindts dark chocolate (70% cocoa)....eating that as a standard depending on the meat at dinner is tending to have me eating 1220-1300 calories which seems a nice balance and im not ready for food at my next meal or snack but not starving....and so while sticking to that i dont really feel i need to count the calories. Im still filling out the food diary tho. The number of nites i was having a yiros per week had crept up too...sometimes to 3-4 times a im sticking to it strictly only saturday night....and i think this saturday night i mite even change that and make pasta carbonara as a bit of a treat :) (a low fatish version of course) i have also been drinking at least 3 litres of all of those changes seem to be impacting the scales! Im really hopeful by tuesday morning i might be under 83 kilos! How nice it would be to see a number of the scales that starts with 82 :)

Gym wise this week ill only be gymming it monday and tuesday until the stairs are over friday afternoon. So planning monday morning to do pump, tuesday morning to do balance and tuesday night ill do my own work out too. Hopefully I will make pump for the friday night class. Friday morning i have a pest company coming out to do a termite inspection of my unit then hopefully they will be done early enough that i can nick into town and buy a new heart rate monitor!!! YAY!!! Cannot wait to have a new one.

If anyone has had IPL on their face....can you let me know if you broke out with a reaction or face went red or anything? I was thinking about doing the first session this saturday but I have plans on Sunday so dont wanna do it this weekend if its likely I will end up looking like a monster lol

Must admit today i was trying on some pants this morning (still a lil tight on the ass unfortunately lol) but anyway i was pretty stunned how slimmer i looked when standing side on (usually the worse view lol) so that is a definite plus! Hopefully another kilo or two and these pants will be able to be worn :)

Not much else to say....have a good sunday all! :)

1 comment:

Donna said...

Hi Kazz yes ive had ipl treatment on my face and there is some redness but only for about an hour to an hour and a half after