Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Well i have had such a lazy day today! LOL its been bliss. Spent the morning resting, sleeping in and watching tv. This arvo i went to the gym to see the physio...she said the problem is there is so much tension in my calves and also some in my she massaged the crap out of my calves (hurt like crap!) then gave me some exercises with a "foam roller" told me a few things not to do for 3-4 weeks. So hopefully this helps....i suspect i mite have to keep on top of ensuring my calves are stretched out properly. I then walked home from the gym...a lazy 75 minute walk. Not much else going on...altho i am hoping tomorrow morning i mite get close to being under 105 kilos on my scales...not only would i then have less then 5 kilos to double digits...if i hit 104.8 it would mean i have lost 30 kilos since january 1 (YAY ME!!!)

Okies off i go enjoy your nite!

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