Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I have decided to go back to using my scales as my official weigh in number. As my dietician says as i weigh on them first thing in the morning they are really the more realistic number...also i weigh in at the gym at varying its hard to get the consistency...and soemtimes i dont trust them! Last nite they gave me a 300 gram loss as i posted...but my scales showed me as 107.7 kilos with a 1.1 kilo i have decided ill use my tuesday morning weigh in for my official number and use the body fat figure and measurements at the gym. This morning they had dropped again! 107.3...watching my sugar levels (which for me really just meant cutting out my dried dates and honey) seems to have really made a big difference...apart from sticking to 1600 calories everything else has been the same but it does feel like its dropping of me as it should with all the exercise i do!

I mentioned some exciting news the other day...theres a few bits of news :)...firstly ive decided even when this contract ends im gonna do at least another year of 3 PT sessions a week. i have finally decided i AM going to study personal training. As i told fiona monday nite (she thought my decision is VERY cool!) i dont believe you can help others till you help yourself...i expect by june next year ill be within 10 kilos of goal and as i am having 4 months off with long service leave next year :) its the perfect time to do it! So still sussing out which institute to do it at but thats a DEFINITE!! The other exciting news is i have decided the website i ahve discussed before aimed at people with 50+ kilos to lose i am going to do....a friend has offered to help out with some graphics...first thing tho i need to do is come up with a name! I did think fitandfabulous...or fabulousity (that domain was taken tho) it needs to be something that promotes positivity and keeps people dignity with their weight loss...any suggestions let me know!!

Ok off to start my working day!!


Jane said...

healthy and happy

renew yourself

fitness is fabulous

pure determination

take control

just a few suggestions probably not the best, but it might give you some ideas.

The website sounds like a great idea and I can't wait till it is up and running. Great to see you focused on becoming a personal trainer. I think you would make an awesome PT because as you said, you have been there and know what it takes to get to goal - congratulations.

Pinky said...

Wow Kazz lots of amazing things happening for you at the moment and in the very near future! - Good luck with all your endeavours and you have been a great inspiration to me and thanks for the help previously given -

Natalie said...




dunno - will put the brains in the family on to it..... the kids!!