Friday, September 17, 2010

After much debate and to-ing and fro-ing i upped my calories! For the last 3 weeks my scales have done a very definite cycle. Saturday-wednesday the scales do a decline (every week i have hit 112.2 kilos) and then by saturday i am up by 700 grams t0 1.3 kilos. The interesting thingis saturday is my high calorie day and it seems following that the scales drop...and especially after friday when i was on my lowest day the scales go up. Fiona and eve both thought i should prolly increase my calories due to my calorie burn. I then yesterday looked around sparkpeople...they said at my weight i should be eating 1300-1650 calories (i had been eating 1650 calories) but then i deleted their exercise program and added a calorie burn of 4500 per week and it went up to between 1820 and 2170. I then registered on biggest loser clubs website..and based on their exercise program (approx 283 calories burnt 3 times a week) it says 2000 calories. So i have decided to do 2000 calories for a week and see what happens...fingers crossed. I also really like the biggest loser club website sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better then calorie king. It loads much faster...australian base of has a graph that updates during the day showing calories in and out (including your normal metabolism) it also gives you data on the normal nutritional info also things like iron, folate, b1 and b2...allvery cool!!

And with that...time for some fruit and icecrea,,,early nite tonite as its a big gym day in the morning...have a fab weekend all!!

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