Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday July 12

ok since i am being nagged for pics of the new it is....

The sofa is made of suede material and really really happy with the furniture. Yesterday i was spot on my points...not half a point under or half a point over and everything was weighed so yay :) Not really too much else to say...have a good sunday all :)


Jody said...

About time...very nice I love your choice of colors. I'm really surprised you have taste and didn't pick some ridiculous pink princess stuff!! Hahahaha

Tania said...

LMAO @ Jody - anyone would think she knows you after all these years!

Very nice choice Miss Kazz!

Martine (email: said...


Di at WW was very impressed with you. I had a 5.20pm on Friday with Don. They couldnt get over what you had achieved. Good luck mate. Martine x

LellyJ said...

Kaz, you're new furniture looks great!! I hope you enjoy it!