Saturday, May 06, 2006

May 6 2006

well lawdie been a busy few days dont really know why theyve been so busy but i havent posted here in a few days.

thursday i was sick...slept till 5.45pm in the afternoon lol and then its just been grocery shopping and stuff.

Today i went shopping bought new jeans, a new top, and new undies lol i havent tried them on and not sure if the jeans will fit yet but we will see. If not hopefully they will fit before long.

Tomorrow im going to the local garden store to buy some plants and some pots and gonna do some gardening in the afternoon - presuming the weather is okay

I have to say thank youuuuu to everyone who leaves comments - i do read them and its really nice to get them =)

Well not much else to say today...have a good weekend all =)


Jaxx said...

Calling Kazz..... hope all is well :):)

Cheers Jaxx

Jaxx said...


kazz said...

okies i am here lol i will be back at my blog in a week or so....ive been off work for 3 weeks with laryngitis...then bronchitis and then a bronchial irritation (which i still have) so ww has gone out the window lol but im really just trying to not pressure like to be back at ww within the next week...will post VERY soon !!!!