Sunday, July 16, 2017

Update July 16 2017

I have been a lil absent of late...not just on this blog....but no weight loss/fitness talk on instagram/fb etc either.

As it turns out I have been sick. I had laryngitis & pharyngitis and whilst most of that is gone...I still have a hoarse voice and a cough which just wont quit.

Its been hard....getting thru my days. I cough so much its tiring....and as I work in a call centre...talking with a hoarse voice is super tiring as well.

So the gym has not been possible :( its been over 3 weeks since I have done any form of exercise. (Even a small walk to a different room in the house and I am coughing)

I am currently into week 4 of this illness and my doctor has told me it could be up to 8 weeks till i am over this. During the second week (which was when I was SUPPOSE to go to sydney) I got very disappointed. Disappointed I couldnt make the trip and that it felt like my weight loss was on hold. So I did have a couple of days of track. They werent binges....but i wasnt on track. I had got down to 113.5 kilos and ended up back at 117.5 kilos.

Since then I have been sticking to the eating plan but not drinking all my water (Im just plain too tired) and sucking on a LOT of soothers everyday.

Anyway I went to my doc on friday night (he knows my weight loss history) and told him I need to be able to stop relying on the soothers as its too many calories. So I am already taking somac ( for silent reflux) and ventolin, but also now he put me on another puffer called tilade and to help minimise the cough I am now taking panadeine forte 3 times a day. When I had a cough that lasted about 3 months in 2014 i took the same thing to help. So far today no lozenges :) The only problem with panadeine forte is i do retain fluid from it...but hopefully my body will adapt and not retain too much fluid.

Ive been very much of the attitude I exercise so not likely i can lose weight. But today Ive decided enough is enough. Going by my doctor its not likely I will be back at the gym till late august/early september...So friday I was 117.2 kilos...I am going to set a goal by the time I go back to the gym to be back at 113.5 kilos. 6 weeks to lose 3.7 kilos should hopefully be doable. It would still give me a chance to eat my year end goal of being double digits. So sticking to my plan and going back to drinking 4 litres water per day.

This is one of those points where the mentality side of weight loss is a HUGE factor. I mean it is always a huge factor but at the moment it feels a bigger part. Specially when all I really want to do is go back to the gym!!

Last night I went and saw the musical "Matilda" which was fabulous. I bought a XL ladies t shirt from it as doesnt fit me yet....but its another goal :)

As i always promise i will be back posting more regularly! lol i promise! ;)