Saturday, August 20, 2011

Great day :)

Well despite the scales being up another 1.2 kilos this morning!!! Today has been a fab day. So basically in 2 days the scales have gone up 1.9 kilos lol Now the reality is to gain 2 kilos....i would have to eat 14000 calories over my BMR which i know i havent still presuming its related to my cycle.

Did a awesome workout today. When i got to the gym i jogged up 7 flights of stairs. Then i did a PT session of wacky weights which is basically band work and dragging and pushing things around the room....basically resistance using my body weight. Then i went and jogged up the 7 flights of stairs again (much harder this time!!) then did 20 minutes of hill intervals on the treadmill....then 15 minutes of speed intervals on the xtrainer followed by 60 minutes of body balance. Was such a good workout!!

Tomorrow i am getting the house all nice and neat and with luck will find my heart rate monitor. It was playing up....but im hoping if i wash the chest strap it will start working really be interested in watching my calorie burn again if i can. I mentioned yesterday that i bought some new clothes when op shopping heres 2 of my faves....the grey one is from just jeans and a size 10!!!! The other is a UK brand called "together" its really pretty....and would be great for a nite out.

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